The following questions will help you to explore your understanding of the material presented on the Freshwater Mussels page.
One of the most serious threats to FW mussels is posed by zebra mussels which have been transferred (mostly by ship ballast water) into ecosystems that they did not evolve in. Zebra mussels originated from waters near Russia and have become a major threat to FW ecosystem integrity around the world due to their ability to breed so quickly and their lack of local predators.
If you had to had to try to get local authorities more committed to controlling this pest species, what other aspects of the zebra mussels' behaviour (besides their negative impact on FW mussels) could you bring into play to get some action going. (Hint, look at the picture provided. It is just one example of zebra mussels cling to nearby objects. If you want a first-hand experience, mega hint about this, try reading )
What aspects of climate change are particularly threatening to FW mussel populations?
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