Thumbnails of species Click on any image to see more about this species Angel's trumpet Arum lily Asthma weed Autumn crocus Autumn skullcap Belladonna lily Castor Oil Plant Cherry laurel Cleavers Coral tree Cotoneaster Cuckoo-pint Cycads Daffodil Daphne Deadly nightshade Death cap Duranta Flax lily Fly agaric Foxglove Golden Chain Gympie Gympie Hellebore Hemlock Honeysuckle Horse chestnut Hyacinth Hydrangea Ivy Jessamine Lantana Lily of the valley Oleander Peace lily Peacock flower Petty spurge Plumbago Poison sumac Privet Rhododendron Rhubarb Snowberry Sweet pea White cedar Wintersweet Wisteria Yellow oleander Yellow stainer Yew